Monday, May 22, 2017

Integrated 1 Proof Project

Here is a link to the description of the project, and the choices you have for the problem you prove. The proofs do not need to be done in the two column format, but the reasons given need to be the actual properties used from math.

Triangle Congruence Project

Proofs to choose from:

8CC Final Projects

Menu Math Project.

Below are links to the handouts from class.  You are required t odo ONE thing from each category, explaining scientific notation, solving equations, graphing linear equations, and using the Pythagorean theorem.  Projects are small, but still done nicely.  Due June 2, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Menu Math Description and Rubric AND Problem Bank

Scientific Notation page 223+224

Scientific Notation Page 230

Monday, May 15, 2017

Int 1 Work

Finish the three proofs on the board.
Problem 1 has at least 5 lines.  (2 givens, 2 proving lines, and the proof line)
Problem 2 has at least 5 lines (2 givens, 2 proving lines, and the proof line)
Problem 3 has at least 8 lines (4 givens, 3 proving lines, and the proof line.  The proof line uses CPCTC)